Gorge Bollard | Enniscorthy Cycle Safe Park | IPL Group
Enniscorthy's Cycle Safe Park Enhances Pedestrian & Cyclist Safety with IPL Group's Gorge Bollard

Condonstown Toll Plaza Upgrades with Quick-Flex Bollards for Enhanced Safety
Direct Route Toll Plaza Upgrades Lane Dividers to IPL group's Quick Flex Bollards

Dungarvan, Co. Waterford Upgrades Street Furniture
Dungarvan, Co. Waterford Prioritises Flexibility with Glyde Bollard and Shannon Staple Installations

St. Dominics Bridge Upgrade Chooses Irish-Made Bollards | Owena Bollards
The Stunning Transformation of St. Dominics Bridge.

St. Mel's NS Prioritise Safety With Colourful Pencil Shaped Bollards
St. Mel's NS Prioritise Safety With IPL groups Pencil Bollards

Nuvo Sign: School Safety Bollards Ireland | Ballymitty Case Study
Enhancing the safety of a pedestrian crossing in a school zone

Steel-Flex Marker Posts: Limerick Case Study | Patented Impact-Resistant Delineation
OPW Site in Co. Limerick install Steel-Flex to negate risk for HGV's

Carlow Enhances Cyclist Safety | Quick-Flex Bollard Installation
Carlow cyclists safer with upgraded N80 cycle lanes

School Safety: Innovative Bollard Solution for Illegal Parking in Ireland
St. Cronan’s Junior NS deal with illegal parking issues